LS Place


Progress Report

Bye-Bye Uvula!

Bye-Bye Uvula!

Bye-Bye Uvula!

So the personal improvement kick is still progressing nicely. Fitness wise I am still on a roll, losing weight like a maniac. I figured out that I have been losing about 2 pounds a week since January 1st. I know I can't keep that up forever (nor would I want to) but its nice to know I can do it when I put my mind to it. I have learned how crappy bathroom scales are though. The morning I went to the doctor's office, I weighed myself in the morning on our bathroom scale and found I was 216. When I when to the doctor's office that afternoon, I was 230 according to the professional doctor type scale. I realize the fluctuation of a person's weight from morning to afternoon, but jeez, 14 pounds? That's like I gained a set of twins inside me or something. Anyway, that was on January 25th and this morning, I was 210... on our cheesy bathroom scale.

I never used to check my weight. I never cared what the number was as long as I was happy with how I felt/looked. For some reason, I got hooked this time, and now I check it every morning. I'm hoping that after I take off what I call "the easy weight", I will stop looking because I don't want to get discouraged. The easy weight is the weight that I accumlated strictly by being lazy. My weight loss hinges on two distinct things; diet and exercise. For some reason I can't do just one or the other. If I'm not exercising, I don't watch what I eat. And man did I eat a great deal of junk. And at all times of the day and night. But now that I put in the effort of running 2 miles, biking on the trainer for 40 minutes, or doing one of my stupid-ass, self-made step routines, I am much more careful of what and when I eat because I don't want that effort to go to waste (I resisted the urge to end that sentence with the horrible pun; "go to waist". You should thank me).

On the medical front, I have to go have a sleep study on the 13th of this month. This is where they hook you up to 20 electrodes and then you try to go to sleep in a strange little room, while you know you are being watched by a number of cameras. I can't imagine being paranoid and having to do one of these. I'm just worried about forgeting that I am there and picking my nose or scratching my butt. Or worse, scratching my nose and picking my butt. This study is supposed to show if I have sleep apnea, how bad is it, and how much of my throat tissue needs to be chopped off. I'm already resigned to the fact that they will be taking out my tonsils which have been with me all my 37 years. I will miss them. But this will determine whether to trim some of the fatty tissue in the back of my throat or even (gasp) take OUT my uvula(!). This is all going to be done when I go to the hospital to have my deviated septum fixed. I'm gonna look like a mess when I get outta there that day.